This is an expanded edition of the links I used to place on my homepage. Along with the actual
hyperlinks, I'm also gonna give a little synopsis on some of them.
Keenspace Comics
A furry comic with a pretty good storyline. I've drawn some
fanart based on two of the main characters.
Based on the day to day worklife of a retail store clerk and his
already jaded coworkers.
Sprite comic based on the videogame "Harvest Moon." If that
isn't any incentive to read, it's funny too.
Very well drawn and written. I wish my pencil work was as good
as this guy's.
Keenspot Comics
My main inspiration. A well written daily comic thats also
incredibly funny too. If you like online comics at all, then
you must pay CRFH a visit.
"Nuff said."
While the series "When I Grow Up" is over, the creator, J Rowland,
has started another comic, WIGU. You can choose between the
two on the opening page.
Other Comics
Remember the old Final Fantasy games for the NES? This comic
takes the characters from the game, gives them actual personalities,
and makes them funny. It's the best Sprite comic out there and the
best written webcomic that I've ever read.
Wierdness, manga-style.
Great art and writing. If you're into Morrowwind, check out Ian's
sysopsis on his experiences with the game. It's hilarious.
Penny Arcade. The webcomic other webcomics look up to. They've
around for a while, and for a good reason.